Sunday, May 10, 2009

Darnell Hackworth, Nebraska

Today I interviewed Darnell Hackworth. He told me about how the K-9s were probably the most important part of war because they were used to find the infected, but then never seemed to get credit. K-9's were first used to sniff the infected. Darnell said that the reason why they were so good at what they did was because of the training. As pups, the dogs would sit across from zombies and immediately go crazy or wimper and just go crazy, but the good ones had the instinct to kill. The main mission of the of any K-9 team was scouting, and to sweep and pick out the zombies and it proved to be very helpful. Without the dogs the war could have been a lot worse. The funny thing is though that Darnell used to hate dogs with a passion.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

General D'Ambrosia, Finland

Today I interviewed General D'Ambrosia. He was a scared man to go to war against the millions zombies. He said that the book or war had to be re-written by originally for an army to be successfully the had to be able to Bred, Fed, and Led. But the zombies did not have to do any of theses to win. He later told me the differences between the human army and the zombies. You could not starve the zombie , the only way to kill them was to destroy its brain. I could not even explain the mental war that would start in a soldiers head like in this situation.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Terry Know, Austraila

Today I interviewed Terry Knox, who became the only Australian commander of the International Space Station. The space station was very hightech and had millions of dollars spen on it and it could not be seen from Earth. the reasopn it was made was so that the ISS could refuel all the satellites in space. He and his crew had been given the option to escape from the ISS during the war, but they choose not to because leaving such a an amanzing creation and it was safer up there. He would sit there on the platform with his crew and watch humanity die.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sensei Tomonaga, Japan

Today i interviewed Sensei Tomonaga a blind man who is basically fear less. He first heard about the outbreak while he was working at his restaurant and when his boss called a meeting for the whole staff about this out break of zombies. After the metting he decided to set off on his own so he could die alonw. He set out at night and began hitchhiking his way to the Hiddaka National Park. he was able to get there just fine after hitch hiking his way there and talking about the outbreaks. Tomonaga who was already familiar with the area, he found several fidning place in trees and caves that could suit him just in case a zombie came about. All Sensei had on him has his prayerstick/shovel/ weapon of death. Sensie killed hundreds of zombies and would bury each and every one of them after he killed them. This shows the true power of God and will in one blind mans world to make him self have a rightful place in this world.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kondo Tatsumi, Kyoto, Japan

Today i interviewed Kondo Tatsumi your average outsider when he was a teenager. He was a smart kid who memorized everything and could hack most anything from a computer. He used that skill to full advantage when the outbreak hit Japan. He hacked into Doctor Komatsu to read the raw info about the whole situation He also read that he was the first to recommend an evacuation. One Doctor Kimatsu public declared there should be an evacuation everyone frenzied to find where they would settle next the first person to find where they would go would be a hero. but one night while he was on the web the zombies broke through his door and have had to find a way out so he used his acrhiveved knowledge on a prison break and used a linen to get out his window . In the end it took Kondo 4 days to get down from his 19th floor not only survive the war but to live!