Friday, May 1, 2009

Kondo Tatsumi, Kyoto, Japan

Today i interviewed Kondo Tatsumi your average outsider when he was a teenager. He was a smart kid who memorized everything and could hack most anything from a computer. He used that skill to full advantage when the outbreak hit Japan. He hacked into Doctor Komatsu to read the raw info about the whole situation He also read that he was the first to recommend an evacuation. One Doctor Kimatsu public declared there should be an evacuation everyone frenzied to find where they would settle next the first person to find where they would go would be a hero. but one night while he was on the web the zombies broke through his door and have had to find a way out so he used his acrhiveved knowledge on a prison break and used a linen to get out his window . In the end it took Kondo 4 days to get down from his 19th floor not only survive the war but to live!

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