Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gavin Blaire, Parnell Air Natinal Guard Base. Tennessee

Today I interviewed Gavin Blaire a pilot that would drop off supplies to the blue zones on her map. One day when she and her co-were flying to Florida to drop off supplies her plan crashed in an area she had flown over several times before. After finding her dead co-pilot she heard something on her radio asking if anyone was out there. Gavin responded and talked to the sky watcher called Mets. Mets told her to get to the I-10 so that she could get picked up there. while there she went through many temptations as of following roads that might have G's on them.But one of her temptations screwed her over by when she was looking in an SUV the Zombie stuck in the car moaned and one wave of zombies came and attacked her but she killed them all. That same night she dreamt about the moans of zombies , but when she woke up she found out it wasn't a dream. when she woke up there were 100's of zombies trying to get to her. Yet again though Mets told her exactly what to do and by running from this horde of zombies after listening to Mets she was rescued. The thing is though is that the people who found her told her her radio didn't work from when the time she hit the ground and that Mets isn't a real person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jacob Wilson, I think this girl was crazy and that Mets was never even alive. She was pretty brave that she kept going through the zombies when she woke up and didn't stop until she got to the I-10