Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brigdwtown, Barbados, Sean Collins

Today, I interviewed Sean Collins a hired body guard or I gues syou could say "mercenary" about his timing guarding the celebrities in there safe house. Her worked for a man who at his safe house would let people of "the famous category"a live him in it to boost his image. In the house there were all sorts of celebrities from rappers-to comeidans to actors, but they all couldn't stay out of the public eye. The way they stayed in the publics eye was by the webcams in every room of this house, But he was thinking that people probably will get jealous of the luxry life and saftey they have and will want what they have to. Eventually they did take over this place by blowing up the gate and killing or capturing who stood in there way... poor rich people not! Mr collins got out of the house with out kiling a single person or shooting one bullet. His job was to protect the rich from zombies not from people who wante protection from them to.

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