Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kwang Jingshu, United Federation of China

Today i flew in to China to talk to a doctor Kwang Jingshu, the doctor who first came to face with the infection, to talk about the infection. He told he discovered it when he drove to New Dachnag to look at some sick, but when he walked in he was astonished to see the patients all gray as the concrete they were above and all of them had bite marks in different places, but all the same bite mark. When he asked what happened to one of the paitents he pointed to a room. He went in this room to see a your boy looking all like the others who were sick excpet his eyes were fiery and he was chained and gagged. when he tried to look at the boy one of his arms snapped off and the boy was not phased at all. Then doctor Kwang called Gu Wen who i told everything about what i ahve found and he told me to "if anyone goes in to a coma immediatly vacte the room and secure an exit also take any names who have been in contact with the infected." The boy is believed to be the one who started this infection after moon fishing with his father

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