Sunday, April 26, 2009

Todd Wainio, Denver ,Colorado

today, i talked to Z War veteran Todd Wainio. This guy was a bad ass from hell. He had some strong words about his time in the fronts of the New York infection out break. He said that there were lots of building and things around them that they could have gotten up to and been safe from the zombies there, but no they had to be in holes in the ground. Why? your wondering he wonders that to he also wonders why he was in a bio hazard suit and body armor sweating his B***s off and then reporters and higher ranked people were in comfortable clothing. When the zombies first arrived they were hit with a air strike that took out about a 3/4's of them and everyone was real excited til they saw the other 20,000 more zombies come at them. So that's when everyone started shooting but they were aiming at there stomachs (not many of them knew the only way to kill them was to kill there brains) and they would and the zombies would fly back then get up again. The thing though that pissed Todd off the most was that all there thanks and stuff had only 3 shells each to kill the zombies and they ran out very quickly. After there technology failed the soldiers and everyone started panicking and ran back to find some where to hide before the incenerary bombs came which are nasty little buggers. As Todd was running back to find shelter some through a flash bang grenade by him and his ears started ringing and everything went white but luckily some one saw him and pulled him into a bradley before the incenerary bombs came. if those came i wouldn't have had this interview.

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