Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jacob Nyathai

Today I was in Bridgetown Harbor, Barbados to talk to now Captain Jacob Nyathia, who came face to face with the zombies one night when walking home form his job at T.G.I. Fridays when around 5 o'clock in the morning when he got off the bus he heard gun shots down the road. He was very used to gun shots in his little "ghetto" so he hide behind something stong enougth to prevent bullets to go through it, but the gun shots seemed to be going on longer than usaual so he peeked his head around the cornor and heard saw a bright light coming towards him and heard the people coming from this bright light yelling "everyone get out there coming!" His immediate mind set was to get to his house to get his sisters and his mom. He never made it, while trying to get to his house he was grabbed by one of the zombies and it tried to bite him but he knew that the house was frail and he knoced the house down on the zombie that had his wrist and it let go. After he knocked down the house he saw a mother with ther two children and he tried to get them to get up, but she just stared at him while her children hid in her arms. He still dreams about that night and how he continuley thinks that it was his mother with his younger sisters.

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