Sunday, May 10, 2009

Darnell Hackworth, Nebraska

Today I interviewed Darnell Hackworth. He told me about how the K-9s were probably the most important part of war because they were used to find the infected, but then never seemed to get credit. K-9's were first used to sniff the infected. Darnell said that the reason why they were so good at what they did was because of the training. As pups, the dogs would sit across from zombies and immediately go crazy or wimper and just go crazy, but the good ones had the instinct to kill. The main mission of the of any K-9 team was scouting, and to sweep and pick out the zombies and it proved to be very helpful. Without the dogs the war could have been a lot worse. The funny thing is though that Darnell used to hate dogs with a passion.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

General D'Ambrosia, Finland

Today I interviewed General D'Ambrosia. He was a scared man to go to war against the millions zombies. He said that the book or war had to be re-written by originally for an army to be successfully the had to be able to Bred, Fed, and Led. But the zombies did not have to do any of theses to win. He later told me the differences between the human army and the zombies. You could not starve the zombie , the only way to kill them was to destroy its brain. I could not even explain the mental war that would start in a soldiers head like in this situation.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Terry Know, Austraila

Today I interviewed Terry Knox, who became the only Australian commander of the International Space Station. The space station was very hightech and had millions of dollars spen on it and it could not be seen from Earth. the reasopn it was made was so that the ISS could refuel all the satellites in space. He and his crew had been given the option to escape from the ISS during the war, but they choose not to because leaving such a an amanzing creation and it was safer up there. He would sit there on the platform with his crew and watch humanity die.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sensei Tomonaga, Japan

Today i interviewed Sensei Tomonaga a blind man who is basically fear less. He first heard about the outbreak while he was working at his restaurant and when his boss called a meeting for the whole staff about this out break of zombies. After the metting he decided to set off on his own so he could die alonw. He set out at night and began hitchhiking his way to the Hiddaka National Park. he was able to get there just fine after hitch hiking his way there and talking about the outbreaks. Tomonaga who was already familiar with the area, he found several fidning place in trees and caves that could suit him just in case a zombie came about. All Sensei had on him has his prayerstick/shovel/ weapon of death. Sensie killed hundreds of zombies and would bury each and every one of them after he killed them. This shows the true power of God and will in one blind mans world to make him self have a rightful place in this world.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kondo Tatsumi, Kyoto, Japan

Today i interviewed Kondo Tatsumi your average outsider when he was a teenager. He was a smart kid who memorized everything and could hack most anything from a computer. He used that skill to full advantage when the outbreak hit Japan. He hacked into Doctor Komatsu to read the raw info about the whole situation He also read that he was the first to recommend an evacuation. One Doctor Kimatsu public declared there should be an evacuation everyone frenzied to find where they would settle next the first person to find where they would go would be a hero. but one night while he was on the web the zombies broke through his door and have had to find a way out so he used his acrhiveved knowledge on a prison break and used a linen to get out his window . In the end it took Kondo 4 days to get down from his 19th floor not only survive the war but to live!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gavin Blaire, Parnell Air Natinal Guard Base. Tennessee

Today I interviewed Gavin Blaire a pilot that would drop off supplies to the blue zones on her map. One day when she and her co-were flying to Florida to drop off supplies her plan crashed in an area she had flown over several times before. After finding her dead co-pilot she heard something on her radio asking if anyone was out there. Gavin responded and talked to the sky watcher called Mets. Mets told her to get to the I-10 so that she could get picked up there. while there she went through many temptations as of following roads that might have G's on them.But one of her temptations screwed her over by when she was looking in an SUV the Zombie stuck in the car moaned and one wave of zombies came and attacked her but she killed them all. That same night she dreamt about the moans of zombies , but when she woke up she found out it wasn't a dream. when she woke up there were 100's of zombies trying to get to her. Yet again though Mets told her exactly what to do and by running from this horde of zombies after listening to Mets she was rescued. The thing is though is that the people who found her told her her radio didn't work from when the time she hit the ground and that Mets isn't a real person.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Todd Wainio, Denver ,Colorado

today, i talked to Z War veteran Todd Wainio. This guy was a bad ass from hell. He had some strong words about his time in the fronts of the New York infection out break. He said that there were lots of building and things around them that they could have gotten up to and been safe from the zombies there, but no they had to be in holes in the ground. Why? your wondering he wonders that to he also wonders why he was in a bio hazard suit and body armor sweating his B***s off and then reporters and higher ranked people were in comfortable clothing. When the zombies first arrived they were hit with a air strike that took out about a 3/4's of them and everyone was real excited til they saw the other 20,000 more zombies come at them. So that's when everyone started shooting but they were aiming at there stomachs (not many of them knew the only way to kill them was to kill there brains) and they would and the zombies would fly back then get up again. The thing though that pissed Todd off the most was that all there thanks and stuff had only 3 shells each to kill the zombies and they ran out very quickly. After there technology failed the soldiers and everyone started panicking and ran back to find some where to hide before the incenerary bombs came which are nasty little buggers. As Todd was running back to find shelter some through a flash bang grenade by him and his ears started ringing and everything went white but luckily some one saw him and pulled him into a bradley before the incenerary bombs came. if those came i wouldn't have had this interview.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ahmed Faranakian, Greenland

Ahmed was a young man who I interviewed today about his efforts to get out of India who was kind of in there own Cold War with Pakistan. Every day hundreds of thousands of people were finding India as refuge form the infection, it was also estimated that 10,000 infected were coming in also. Well after the Pakistanis said that they would not help and if any Indians stepped on Pakistani territory they would consider it an act of war. After this he deiced to leave India he got in his car and took this small road between the two countries to get out, but then he started seeing small arms flashes. When he saw theses and some infected living dead he hit the after burners and got out of there. he prayed that Pakistan wouldn't notice but his prayers were unanswered. Pakistan shot up a guard post in India.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brigdwtown, Barbados, Sean Collins

Today, I interviewed Sean Collins a hired body guard or I gues syou could say "mercenary" about his timing guarding the celebrities in there safe house. Her worked for a man who at his safe house would let people of "the famous category"a live him in it to boost his image. In the house there were all sorts of celebrities from rappers-to comeidans to actors, but they all couldn't stay out of the public eye. The way they stayed in the publics eye was by the webcams in every room of this house, But he was thinking that people probably will get jealous of the luxry life and saftey they have and will want what they have to. Eventually they did take over this place by blowing up the gate and killing or capturing who stood in there way... poor rich people not! Mr collins got out of the house with out kiling a single person or shooting one bullet. His job was to protect the rich from zombies not from people who wante protection from them to.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jacob Nyathai

Today I was in Bridgetown Harbor, Barbados to talk to now Captain Jacob Nyathia, who came face to face with the zombies one night when walking home form his job at T.G.I. Fridays when around 5 o'clock in the morning when he got off the bus he heard gun shots down the road. He was very used to gun shots in his little "ghetto" so he hide behind something stong enougth to prevent bullets to go through it, but the gun shots seemed to be going on longer than usaual so he peeked his head around the cornor and heard saw a bright light coming towards him and heard the people coming from this bright light yelling "everyone get out there coming!" His immediate mind set was to get to his house to get his sisters and his mom. He never made it, while trying to get to his house he was grabbed by one of the zombies and it tried to bite him but he knew that the house was frail and he knoced the house down on the zombie that had his wrist and it let go. After he knocked down the house he saw a mother with ther two children and he tried to get them to get up, but she just stared at him while her children hid in her arms. He still dreams about that night and how he continuley thinks that it was his mother with his younger sisters.

Kwang Jingshu, United Federation of China

Today i flew in to China to talk to a doctor Kwang Jingshu, the doctor who first came to face with the infection, to talk about the infection. He told he discovered it when he drove to New Dachnag to look at some sick, but when he walked in he was astonished to see the patients all gray as the concrete they were above and all of them had bite marks in different places, but all the same bite mark. When he asked what happened to one of the paitents he pointed to a room. He went in this room to see a your boy looking all like the others who were sick excpet his eyes were fiery and he was chained and gagged. when he tried to look at the boy one of his arms snapped off and the boy was not phased at all. Then doctor Kwang called Gu Wen who i told everything about what i ahve found and he told me to "if anyone goes in to a coma immediatly vacte the room and secure an exit also take any names who have been in contact with the infected." The boy is believed to be the one who started this infection after moon fishing with his father